I hate myself for being ungrateful to Allah after all He has given me. I consider it a big offense to Him and it indeed is. Then why can't i stop being human and shut my mind of those sinful thoughts. Am i waiting to be hit by a misfortune, recover after pleading Him and then be grateful again?

Every individual has his own war to fight.

Oh God!!

There is a trade off at every new turn of life. And some of us don't even know what they will have to forgo for what they opt.

A Thought.

What seems like rational and logical to you might seem like illogical and idiotic to someone else. Naturally all humans are distinctive, with their own upbringing their own personalities and beliefs. Better way then is to reason it out, if possible, with the one who disagrees with you. So that each one of you vent out and make each other heard. And then both should evaluate the situation with ratinality, calmness and open minds, without violating each other's integrity. If the one agrees to reason at all that is. When one is more likely to impose one's own logic and beliefs on other whether the other agrees or disagrees, problems are not solved.

Irrational thoughts occasionally occur in the minds of all people. Intelligence does not make someone immune to irrational thought. These thoughts typically clutter our minds with feelings of resentment and distaste. Sometimes they are based on internal defense mechanisms we develop to mitigate personal anger in an attempt to avoid facing the truth about ourselves or our immediate circumstances. If someone imposes stringent expectations related to a stressful issue on themselves or their close companions, irrational thought is likely to set in, and all parties involved will probably experience needless emotional grief.
Passionate perceptions of an event made by someone in distress can seem crazy from a third party perspective. This craziness is simply the sum of stress and irrational thought. These thoughts allow the distressed party to remain the victim while avoiding all situational responsibility. One must learn to break this momentary negative thought process in order to achieve continuous stability in their life and in their relationships.

Here are 10 irrational thoughts that rational people often fall victim to at one point or another:

1. Mistakes are never acceptable. If I make one, it means that I am incompetent.

2. When somebody disagrees with me, it is a personal attack against me.

3. To be content in life, I must be liked by all people.

4. My true value as an individual depends on what others people think of me.

5. If I am not involved in an intimate relationship, I am completely alone.

6. There is no grey area. Success is black and failure is white.

7. Nothing ever turns out the way you want it to.

8. If the outcome was not perfect, it was a complete failure.

9. I am in absolute control of my life. If something bad happens, it is my fault.

10. The past always repeats itself. If it was true then, it must be true now.

Your life will be more productive if you learn to avoid this type of negative thinking.

Courtesy : http://www.marcandangel.com/

Not being able to find work, having left my beloved daughter in Pakistan and subsequently spending almost all day sitting on net has resulted in a sinister hike in my weight. And for a small framed person like myself, this is a devestating developement.

Here are my findings on weight management.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet are crucial when it comes to controlling your weight. A weight management plan depends on whether you are overweight or underweight.
An easy way to determine your own desirable body weight is to use the following formula:

Women: 100 pounds for the first 5 feet of height plus 5 pounds for each additional inch.
Men: 106 pounds of body weight for the first 5 feet of height plus 6 pounds for each additional inch.
For a small body frame, 10% should be subtracted. For a large frame, 10% should be added.
Body fat and body mass measurements are used to determine whether a person is under- or overweight. A registered dietitian or exercise physiologist can help you calculate your body fat. The recommended amount of body fat differs for men and women.

For women:
The recommended amount of body fat is 20 - 21%.
A woman with more than 30% body fat is considered obese.
For men:
The recommended amount of body fat is 13 - 17%.
A man with 25% body fat or higher is considered obese.

Body mass index (BMI) is an indirect measurement of your body composition. It takes into consideration both your weight and height. BMI helps determine your risk for certain diseases, including diabetes and hypertension.
It is important to note that the terms "overweight" and "obesity" do NOT mean the same thing.
Weight management for people who have been overweight involves continued physical activity and monitoring the amount of food eaten.

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are eating disorders associated with a negative body image. Anorexia nervosa is a disorder in which people extremely limit their food intake. This results in dangerously quick weight loss, to the point of starvation. This disorder is most commonly found in adolescent females, but may also occur in males, children, and adults.
Bulimia is binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting. It's often associated with anorexia nervosa. Many people with bulimia don't lose a lot of weight, and may not get medical attention until they seek help.
Excessive intentional weight loss can cause a person to be dangerously underweight. To maintain their weight, people with eating disorders must eat enough food to prevent them from losing the weight they have gained.

To maintain your weight, you can use the following formula:
10 calories per pound of desirable body weight if you are sedentary or very obese
13 calories per pound of desirable body weight if your activity level is low, or if you are over age 55
15 calories per pound of desirable body weight if you regularly do moderate activity
18 calories per pound of desirable body weight if you regularly do strenuous activity
Activity levels:
Low activity: No planned, regular physical activity; occasional weekend or weekly activity (such as golf or recreational tennis) is the only type of physical activity
Moderate activity: Participating in physical activities such as swimming, jogging, or fast walking for 30 - 60 minutes at a time
Strenuous activity: Participating in vigorous physical activity for 60 minutes or more at least 4 - 5 days per week

Do not eat meat more than once a day. Eat fish and poultry more often than red or processed meats because they are less fattening.
Avoid frying food. Fried food absorbs the fats from the cooking oils, increasing your dietary fat intake. Instead, bake or broil food. If you do fry, use polyunsaturated oils, such as corn oil.
Cut down on your salt intake. Limit table salt, or flavor intensifiers that contain salt, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG).
Include adequate fiber in your diet. Fiber is found in green leafy vegetables, fruit, beans, bran flakes, nuts, root vegetables, and whole-grain foods.
Do not eat more than 4 eggs per week. Although they are a good source of protein, and they're low in saturated fat, eggs are very high in cholesterol.
Choose fresh fruit for dessert, rather than cookies, cake, or pudding.
Eat a well-balanced diet. Too much of anything -- calories or a particular type of food -- has its drawbacks.
Follow the recommendations of the food guide pyramid.

To successfully manage your weight, follow these basic guidelines:
Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.
Balance physical activity with diet to maintain your desired weight. Aerobic exercise will help increase muscle tissue and burn calories.
Gradually adjust your eating habits to encourage a permanent lifestyle change. You may need counseling and behavior modification to change your diet.
Avoid alcohol, or drink in moderation.

A registered dietitian is an excellent resource for individualized weight management. The registered dietitian can provide information on classes and programs available in your community.
The Federal Trade Commission offers consumer brochures that evaluate commercial weight management programs.
Note: 1 calorie equals 1000 calories or 1 kilocalorie.

Ok i guess i was wrong when i had said that penning down your lives on blog would be amounting to boring your audience with banalities. I say so because reading people here and there and evaluating myself, i have realized that no matter how hard i try to shun an urge not to peek in others lives, i have not been able to, to my disappointment and amazement. This has to do with a human's erstwhile curiosity to sneak into one anothers lives. It is like eavasdropping without an offense to the narrator and it is extremely tempting. Another benifit of such practice is that you tend to gain from others experiences. As a saying goes "I seek knowledge to benifit my future" you learn from others mistakes to avoid yours.

Now coming to the confessing part. Again it has to do with the primitive human need for catharsis. The urge to find comfort from other humans. And normally there are things that can not be shared and trusted with people around you, for the fear of being judged. Hence the web. Not that you are entirely spared of being judged on the web also but the cure is to carry an anonymous name. You confess, you are judged, people sympathise with you, give you advice and you still remain in a safe zone. Cheers!! The only hitch for me following the same suit is that my blog carries my name. I practically can not afford the cathartic relief of disclosing nastiest secrets or narrating gigantic blunders unless i start an anonymous blog. The idea is tempting though. Consider the possibility of my blogroll containing an anonymous blog actually related to me. *Giggles*

On the technical front, bored and unsatisfied from the fourteen something authorized tempelates of blogspot, i have installed a new tempelate from Blogcrowds for my blogspot blog. The process was not very difficult for blogspot as much as it seems for wordpress. I still have little idea of how bloggers post pictures in the posts. But i hope to figure it out eventually.

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