Ok i guess i was wrong when i had said that penning down your lives on blog would be amounting to boring your audience with banalities. I say so because reading people here and there and evaluating myself, i have realized that no matter how hard i try to shun an urge not to peek in others lives, i have not been able to, to my disappointment and amazement. This has to do with a human's erstwhile curiosity to sneak into one anothers lives. It is like eavasdropping without an offense to the narrator and it is extremely tempting. Another benifit of such practice is that you tend to gain from others experiences. As a saying goes "I seek knowledge to benifit my future" you learn from others mistakes to avoid yours.
Now coming to the confessing part. Again it has to do with the primitive human need for catharsis. The urge to find comfort from other humans. And normally there are things that can not be shared and trusted with people around you, for the fear of being judged. Hence the web. Not that you are entirely spared of being judged on the web also but the cure is to carry an anonymous name. You confess, you are judged, people sympathise with you, give you advice and you still remain in a safe zone. Cheers!! The only hitch for me following the same suit is that my blog carries my name. I practically can not afford the cathartic relief of disclosing nastiest secrets or narrating gigantic blunders unless i start an anonymous blog. The idea is tempting though. Consider the possibility of my blogroll containing an anonymous blog actually related to me. *Giggles*
On the technical front, bored and unsatisfied from the fourteen something authorized tempelates of blogspot, i have installed a new tempelate from Blogcrowds for my blogspot blog. The process was not very difficult for blogspot as much as it seems for wordpress. I still have little idea of how bloggers post pictures in the posts. But i hope to figure it out eventually.
Anonymous blogging can be exciting... i used it once; used to write on religious criticism under a pseudonym. :) But in many ways, writing with ur own name, ur own identity, it has its own charm. If you want to be daring, try being rebellious while keeping ur identity. Its also exciting. :)
Awais Aftab said...
April 30, 2008 at 8:34 PM